The Church’s Prayer

Text by Joe Henson, III

Tune by Eric Sipe

Sheet Music: Full Page / Half Page


Our Father, we ascribe to You
The worship You alone are due,
And from our low estate we raise
Our true and reverential praise.

Great God, we are Your chosen race,
A people rescued by Your grace,
A holy priesthood ever true–
The church redeemed and built by You!

We meekly own our desp’rate need
And for Your mercies, Lord, we plead;
Before Your throne with fervent cries
We seek the help Your grace supplies.

We ask You to unite us, Lord,
That we might live in one accord.
Fulfill the pray’r of Christ Your Son
And knit the many into one.

We join You on Your sov’reign search
For worshipers to fill Your church.
So give us courage, Lord, to claim
Disciples who will spread your fame.

This hymn was sung at Calvary Bible Church‘s 75th Anniversary service…

The Church’s Prayer from Joe Henson on Vimeo.

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