No Wrath Left for Me

Text by Joe Henson, III

Tune by Dave Mincy

Sheet Music: Full Page / Half Page


Before the King whom seraphs praise
I stand condemned by evil ways.
His law demands unfailing right
And on my guilt shines flawless light.
O, wretched thought that shatters me:
My sin has broken God’s decree!

The perfect Judge unstained by sin
Stores up His wrath for guilty men.
My rebel heart makes me an heir
Of punishment I cannot bear.
O, dreadful thought that crushes me:
My sin makes me God’s enemy!

The Father cursed His spotless Son
For wicked deeds that I have done,
And lavishly He counts as mine
The righteousness of Christ divine.
O, grace-filled thought that staggers me:
Christ took my sin and set me free!

My God poured out His vengeance great
Like floods released with crushing weight,
But Jesus drank that fury dry
And now God’s wrath is satisfied.
O, glorious thought, How can it be?
My King has no wrath left for me!

Alex Barnhart wrote and played an arrangement of this hymn at Bethany Hills Baptist Church

No Wrath Left For Me from Joe Henson on Vimeo.

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