Prayer: Sermon Series

Here at Trinity Bible Church, we are currently working through a mid-week series on Prayer. In this series, we are working through the NT passages that instruct or exemplify biblical prayer for the faithful follower of Christ. Here are the sessions that we have recorded thus far…

Sermon #1:

The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6-7)

Sermon #3:

Our Lord’s High-Priestly Prayer (John 17)

Sermon #4:

Our Lord’s Prayer in the Garden (Matthew 26)

Sermon #5:

Prayer in the Early Church (Acts 1-4)

Sermon #6:

Prayer in the Midst of Persecution (Acts 16)

Sermon #7:

Unbelieving Prayer (Acts 12)

Sermon #8:

Praying for Unity (Romans 15)

Sermon #9:

Praying for an Open Door for the Word (Colossians 4)

Sermon #10:

Praise of God Shapes Prayer to God (Ephesians 1)

Sermon #11:

Filled with All the Fullness of God (Ephesians 3)

Sermon #12:

Sermon #13:

Sermon #14: